I was suppose to start yesterday. Nothing. I took a pg test on Friday, which was a little early, and it came out negative. I'm giving it one more day, and then I'm taking another test tomorrow. I have been crampy, like I'm going to start, but then it goes away. Hmmmmmm......
I know I flipped out when mine started disappearing abnormally, happens when we get older. Let us know what you find out.
Boy did I have that mixed up! I could have sworn Stacey made that comment not Chels! lmao Chels, forget that I mentioned the getting older part. Might be a good thing I have been sending you all those coupons. lol
I took another pg test, and it was negative. I don't feel pg, so I'm sure it's right. I think my cycle is just screwed up. Before I went on BC I was on a 5 week cycle instead of 4, so that may be the case???? Who Knows!!!
I was a week and half late...didn't think I was pg but still a pain cuz I had like double the symptoms and hated that part. It was like get here already I don't like games.
Hope if your not pg you cycle isn't the one from hell!!
That five week cycle stuff can really be crappy because you spend a week looking for it. Like you really want to find it! :) Well, I mean, if you don't want to be pg than maybe you do but does anyone really WANT to have their period?