Well, Jeff and I embarked on another weekend project and we'll finally be finished later this afternoon.
We have an area in the front of the house right below the kitchen window which has several plants (Azaleas and Camilia's). We kind of put off doing anything with it because the weeds kept getting in there and it's a pain to get them all out of there. I was tired of replanting smaller plants in it every 6 months. So..... we got smart and decided to make it very low maintenance. After buying a yard of river rock from our local gravel yard, we spent the day unloading the rock, laying weed sheeting around the existing plants in the area and placed the river rock. It actually looks nice. Today Jeff is taking care of the lawn (which is partially dormant from winter) and I'll be planting Impatients (sp?) today in the barrels. I'll take some pics later this afternoon and post them this evening (I hope).
I hope everyone had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day. I made Corned Beef and Cabbage for my irishman. It's a ritual in our house!!
Wow, sounds like one heck of a project! I'd love to see pics of your work....(hint-hint). I'm dying to get outside and do some yard work, but the weather is just not cooperating.
Sorry about no pics yet. It's just about ready to rain and I want our resident photographer (Anthony) to do it. He's gotten really good at photography. Give me a day or two and I'll post them.