So far it's driving me NUTS. My daughter (who doesn't have asthma because they can't diagnose until 5) is on the highest level of daily nebulizer she can be - and it makes a difference. Half the dose and I'm at the doc twice a week.
Now that we think we have her stabilized - she gets to see a specialist (finally - thanks military/gov't healthcare April 2 to make sure there are no other problems......yeah - it's only been 6 weeks - so far and it's an hour times.
It's HORRIBLE - I can't imagine what it must feel like to not be able to breathe. She does really well - and the doc says that she can even go to the olympics.....but it's still scary ,,,
So - if you grew up with Asthma - any advice? The doc says not to treat here any differently - and other than a ready cell phone I'm not sure what else to do?
married to Matt 8/25/90
Mom to
James & Andrew 7/3/02
and Stephanie 7/3/06
I'm sorry I don't have any real advise for you. I had asthmastic bronchitis growing up. Like my allergies I grew out of alot of it. My girlfriend had asthma growing up and I'll try to get her on here to chat about it.
I can't give you any advice...i wish i could! It sounds like a tough situation. Will they be able to prescribe something stranger when they can diagnose her with asthma?
Have asthma now - diagnosed in college. It feels like an elephant sits on my chest sometimes. But I wouldn't treat her any differently than a normal kid. Just make sure to keep her treatments on schedule. Like you said, even one time of not getting the full dose can cause havoc. As she gets older, she'll be able to regulate herself somewhat because she'll learn to feel if an attack is coming on. Is there any emergency meds they can give you in case of an attack? With them not diagnosing her yet, I don't know if they would or not.
I have asthma but it is brought on only by allergies. Such as trying to clean out a stall with hay or straw flying around me. I really have to be sucking in a lot of dust as well. So I am not even on an inhaler. Sorry I cannot be of any more help. hugs