Not bad here. It has been around mid 70s to mid 80s this past week. We have been under three tornado warnings over the last two weeks. I have no idea when Michigan got put into tornado alley but it has been wicked around here.
This week is finals week. I have been writing a huge paper on marketing which I detest with a passion! That along with my higher math final which is 3 parts, I am not happy right now. Monday is the last day of class thank heavens and then it is go camping! Yeah!!
I am taking the second part of Spring/Summer off only because non of the classes I need are scheduled for then. Figures.
Anyway, I am headed to bed. Another weekend of nothing but homework.
We have so many fires here in California right now that the weather is just weird. It's hot but smoky. You can smell the fires from the mountains. Dry thunder/lightning storms are setting them off. It's a bad one here folks!!