Yep, DH is gone once again. He will be gone till next year. BUT he left this past week. THe kids are actually taking it better than I thought. I am ok too. I didn't really cry either which kind of worrys me, but at the same time I amthinking that since he wasn't home that long that I am just in that kind of mode. UGH. It sucks, but hey.....we deal as best as we can. My mom moved in with us too, so she is here and working and we are making plans on doing things this summer.
If you pray, just keep Richard in them too. He isn't in Iraq this time, but still in a place that requires that we get Hazardous not fun.
I know it's got to be really difficult for you and the family. I will keep Richard and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully time will fly by super fast for all of you.
Aww that has to suck big time to have Richard go again. I swear I think of you every time I watch Army Wives. Big hugs dear. Hope he comes back a-ok. Keep us informed as to what all is going on. This makes what his third deployment?
You are such a strong woman! I have known many who cannot handle the military lifestyle. It is no fault of their own as it is lack of understanding when they take on that relationship. More power to you lady! I continue to wish the very best for you and your family and hope he stays safe. Hugs
yeah, when he was told (last minute really) he was realllllyyyy thinking of getting out. That scared me MORE than this deployment. LOL. I am a weird on though.