Anthony is doing well. He's weathered through 1 week of therapy and at first he didn't see the need for it but now he's glad that he's in it. As far as his court date? Unsure! He was suppose to go into Berkeley to have his fingerprints done at the PD today and Jeff drove him all the way there only to find out that he needed the ticket that was given to him. They went back to Anthony's townhouse and now he CAN'T find the ticket. The PD told us we have tomorrow and Monday to get it done. Now how in the world are we suppose to do this? UGH this kid.... I'm gonna put a call into my brother this evening who is a cop and see what we can do. Maybe he can make a call for us. Or at least I hope he can.
My mom can't get into see her oncologist (has one of the best breast cancer doctors around) until the 12th. Then we'll know what's going on with that. Luckily it's in stage 1 so let's just hope it stays that way.
I've given up on convincing my aunt to get help. I called her the other day and I asked about her Dr appointment (which was evaluating her). Her first reply was "what doctor's appointment" then she said "oh yeah - now which doctor did I see". UGH!!! She also told me that my cousin has been moved to a nursing facility for rehabilitation and now state workers are coming in to talk with the staff and my cousin. My aunt doesn't realize that her conservatorship will more than likely be taken away and my cousin will be a ward of the state. This was something that I didn't want to happen but hey.... what can I do? I tried.
Things are winding up with Jeff's dad's things. The memorial was nice and we even hired a bag piper to stand on the river's edge and pipe out "Amazing Grace" (Jeff's dad's request). It was nice but sad. Everything else is going smoothly... for now. There may be a problem with the estate because Jeff's dad named his last wife's children in it. They're greedy and pompous. At the memorial we gave their "step" sister her mom's ashes so she can do what she wanted with them. She said that she's going to go back up where they lived and sprinkle her ashes in the redwood forest. BAD MISTAKE!!! The boys decided not to tell her that ashes now have a GPS tracking chip in it and they'll get into heck of trouble with authorities. Oh well - Life goes on - LOLOLOL. Anyway...
I'm doing okay and not drunk yet but ready to sit down and relax with a drink. But maybe I'll hit the pool first.