Many years ago, amom was crocheting a afghan... Somehow I managed to pick up that hobby. But I can tell you I am wicked rusty at it. For some reason this past month, the mood has struck me to get back into it. So far, I have remade a scarf that I keep messing up on. I don't know how much longer this hobby will stay a hobby.
I would be interested to know how you knocked down some of those bricks that you speak of in your search of your family history. I'm really into geneology too. Get back with me with some info.
It really depends. I belong to several historical societies for areas where I research, i.e. New England(NEGHS) . I belong to sites where they have records, i.e., etc. I also belong to a wonderful group called Ancestor Chronicles where I've met people who have the same family member(s) in it and we share information with sources. I also my own private library of source books and CD's that I've collected. My collection has also helped others in finding something that they couldn't find. Persistance is the key.
There will be some brickwalls that can never be broken (my great great grandfather on my mom's maternal side). I thought he'd be an enigma forever. However I recently found a new source that may help and I'll have to check it out. But it will take going there and spending a day or two going through 10-20 years worth of newspapers that are over 100 years old.
Do you belong to any sites or groups? I can refer you to a wonderful group of people on MSN for genealogy. They're fun, knowledgable and have been doing genealogy for eons.
Also I have found that another pair of eyes can help with something that might have been overlooked. Others may have knowledge of other sites or sources that you can look at to find what you're looking for, i.e. I have no memberships for Canada and one or two of the members at the group do. They can do look ups for you.
I don't belong to any groups or site's on geneology. I've only been online since Aug. of this year. I would love to have your recomindations and I think the people you spoke of haveing Canada access would be able to help me on one branch of my family tree since that root has come from Canada generations ago,canadian Indian Tribe,and French.
Sounds like lot's of fun Brenda. I love all kinds of crafts but I haven't worked with ceramics since High School. I would be interested in a little more details on what you do.
Right now my hobbies are scrapbooking, reading, volunteering at the school every chance I get..playing on my computer is top priority. I'm thinking of getting back into ceramic's as well..there are some things I used to have that got broken over the years that I would like to replace. Plus, it just sounds like a fun relaxing thing to do.
This is the best msn group around with very knowledgable people. You need to register but when you do put that you'll read the information on the web and not have it go into your email otherwise they'll kick you out of there. They're sticklers for that. I'm known as ZoeyZoo on there.
Genie,there is a shop where this lady pours the molds and we buy what ever you want. She has so many things. I clean the green wear and my gf has the kilms and she fires the green ware so we can paint. I make out door things. I made my friend a tray with a Santa and SNowman for xmas for cookies.
Oh Poop Brenda!! My DH and I just shut down our ceramics business, and dumped a crap load of bisque!!! I love to do it too, but when its not for fun, its really not for fun!!