Clean And Dry Floors Fast But I can't do that for every cleaning so I came up with a way to get a nearly comparable result. I wash my floor in sections, using a regular mop. But instead of futilely trying to sop up the dirty water, I toss down an old bath towel. I then push the towel around with my feet over the floor. It works great and is fast! Usually when I mop, no matter how much I rinse, a dingy film remains. This way the towel soaks up all the dirty water so the floor really shines. Plus, it keeps the bucket water cleaner so I don't have to change it before I finish. An added bonus is the towel also dries the floor. By the time I'm done with the last section, the floor can be walked on!
Trina, you truly are a Domestic Goddess. I bow to you. My kitchen floor is vinyl, and its it's got millions of little indentations on it that trap dirt. A regular mop doesn't get in those little dents. I found that those Mr. Clean magic erasers work amazing on my floor. It's time consuming, and I have to use about 5 of them, but if I do it once a month or so, my floor stays clean looking for a lot longer.
I hate housework. I think I'm going to get me a new cleaning lady, since I fired my old one. I didn't like the job I was doing
My kitchen and dining area is hardwood. I have special cleaning stuff for that. What I hate are the dust bunnies. Especially with the dogs. I love my Swifter. Get's them dust bunnies lickety split.
I wish I had hard wood floors as I do hate mopping. I want to hire someone to do this crud for me as's getting old after so many years of doing it. :(