Over the past 6 months on and off I have had the worst irregular periods. As you know a year ago last May I had miscarried what would have been twins. I had been on the depro shot, but bled right through that. One month was the whole month of nothing but staining. The cramps seem to be off and on and was put on birth control pills a couple of months back, it seems to of helped quite a bit until I miss a day. Then the cramps come back. I have two fibroids that I have to deal with as well.
So who all here has had a hysterectomy? I need to know how you felt about it before and after and how well you recovered, etc.
The worst part of it is, the finality of never going to have children, be preggars again, surgery, recorvery. It's all overwhelming and quite honestly there are very few things in my world that scare me but this seems to, even though I know it's my destiny. It still saddens me to no end.
I had it done at age 26, and for me it was the best thing I have ever done. If you are sure you are finished having kids, you won't regret it. No cramps, periods and so on. I still have my ovaries, so I get moody once in a while or sore nipples, but thats all!!!
Seems so final to me. Have you tried the IUD yet? My girlfriend just had one put in to stop her from bleeding all the time. My teacher (the one I volunteer for) had hers put in for the same reason and didn't have a period for 3 years..she was going to make an apt. to go in and see if that was okay. :) I would love that.
I have fibroids too..they cause a bit more bleeding in my older age..and I did find out that they were no hindering me getting pregnant cuz of where they were located in the uterus. I don't know..I'd research it a lot before making a major decision. Mostly cuz of the "kid" issue though for me is why I think that way. HUGS
Lyn {{{Hugs}}} to you. This is a life altering decision. One in which you really need to do some soul searching. I've been going through the same thing for almost 20 years and am still debating on having it done although my child bearing years are beyond me now. I'm just too old to think about that anymore. And believe me, it does break your heart. Now I look back and think what if I would have done this or that. It just seems like a "final" thing - KWIM?
Although physically it will take away all that troubles you, the emotional and mental aspects are sometimes a hard thing to grasp. Especially when it comes to having your own children. Anthony is the light of my life and I wouldn't have changed my life with him for anything in the world. But there's a part of me that wishes I could have had both because there's still this little hole in my heart. However..... Life seems to happen for alot of reasons. I figure that someone higher up had more and better plans for me and I see that everyday. He's given me alot of challenges, but never ones that I can't handle.
Again - {{{Hugs}}} to you and if you ever want to talk, let me know.