Ok...there is a song by Panic! at the disco that Katelyn and I love...it is called "I write sins, not tragedies" Well if you have ever heard it, you know that one of the main words in the song is G*&D*^@...it is repeated proabley a good 5 or 6 times through the song and is not one of those bad words that go by so quick you barely notice it. It also has the word "whore" in it (which I guess whether it is a bad word, all depends on the listener).
Well, Katelyn wanted it on her MP3 player, and I wanted it on a CD...and to have it be something I could listen to without worrying about the kids hearing it. So, I went searching for it in edited form (I know they performed it live on MTV and the radio has a "clean" version of it). I found the only place to get it was on a cd called "Only Hits". And the only place I found that I could download individual songs on that cd was at Walmart.
So I went in and downloaded it. After I was done, I played it to make sure that the right words were out...and low and behold....every bad word was still in the song. So I downloaded it again...thinking I had downloaded the wrong one before...NOPE, still all the bad words.
So, I emailed walmart and asked them if something was wrong with the link, that maybe it had been directed to the album verison of the song and not the edited version.
They responded today, saying they were gonna refund my money (that whooping $1.76...which was not why I emailed them)...and went on to say that...
At this time Wal-Mart does not carry albums that include the " Parental Advisory Explicit Lyrics" sticker. The track in question does not contain enough explicitic lyrics for the album to be flagged as a "Parental Advisory" album.
Where I am confused at is the fact that they say that a song that has GD in it at least 5 or 6 times...does not contain enough explicit words in it to be flagged???? I guess GD is not a bad enough word??
Also, the funny part is...he never even answered my question. I asked them if the link was wrong cuz the track on the Only Hits CD was suppose TO BE the edited version and they have it linked to the album version...and he never even answered it!