If the holidays put a strain on your budget, you don't have to spend money you don't have on beauty. You can be beautiful on a budget...
Are your hands dry and chapped? Use a simple household chore to treat your hands. Coat your hands with a rich moisturizer. Apply it thick. Put a pair of latex gloves and "enjoy" doing the dishes. Use warmer water since your hands will be protected from burning yourself. The heat of the water will help the moisturizer penetrate deeper into the skin. When you are done doing the dishes, remove the gloves and massage the rest of the moisturizer in.For pennies, you can remove product build-up on the hair by adding two teaspoons baking soda to your shampoo in the palm of your hand. Lather, leave on for a minute, rinse and condition...
And, with a few weeks of diligence and patience, you can fade age spots by mixing equal parts of onion juice and vinegar. Apply to dark spots once a day. You can use this on your face, dark elbows, or knees.