I have had this cold/flu since the day or 2 before new years eve. My ears are all plugged up and I can't hear a da*m thing . jenny my youngest daughter went to the doctors today and she has bronchitis. i'm pretty sure I'm getting da*m close of what she have. if i'm not better by monday i'm going to the doctors.
Bronchitis is awful. Just got over it. Be careful that it doesn't turn into pneumonia or something. Take care of yourself. And I hope you feel better real soon!!!
I am still hacking and have been for 2 weeks. The Doctor said it was a virus, and didn't help a bit....Stupid man... Any how, I have been taking Sudafed , and it has really helped. The cough was because my nose is running down the back of my throat.
Hope you get better Tami. I know Court is coming down with some kind of stuff now too..her throat is red and very irratated..she has a stuffy nose..so it's not draining at least..I hope it doesn't get worse either. :)
Sorry to hear everyone has been Unfortunately tis the season.
There have been a couple of new strains of crap floating around that are viral. There is one that basically keep you in the bathroom the whole time for about 48 hours like you had eaten some bad food.
Unfortunately nothing you can do about it except get plenty of rest (which is hard when you are hacking up your left lung!) and drink plenty of liquids. Take Mucinex to help break up the conjestion.
Viruses have to run their course unlike bronchitis, which can be cured with antibiotics. Hope everyone starts feeling better soon!! Big hugs to all of you.
Tami I think you should go to the Doctor anyway. Usually if something like that doesn't take care of itself in a week or two you probably need to see a doctor. Viruses suck, but hopefully you have something an atibiotic can take care of. Especially if your daughte rhas Bronchitis! You don't want to get that! That is the worse.
Get your rest and drink fluids...and hope you are feeling better soon!