Gifts in a Jar
You guessed it..post them here.
Trina Marie
Bleeding of Colors:
Your red shirt got mixed in with other clothes and ruined them? First off, DON'T DRY THEM! Wash again with regular detergent and color-safe bleach. If that didn't work, Rit®, the makers of clothes dye, makes a color remover that works wonders and doesn't cost much. To prevent bleedin...
Trina Marie
Clean Kitchen
Mix one teaspoon of vinegar with 2/3 cup of water and place in microwave for one to two minutes. The vinegar prevents the water from boiling over while making the microwave a breeze to clean, including the splatters from tomato based sauce. Once the water cools slightly use it to clean the kitchen coun...
Trina Marie
Electrostatic Cleaner Pads
The electrostatic cleaners are great but the refill pads are pricey. I've been using washcloths (old ones or cheap new ones) for dry dusting and picking up hair. I spray a dry cloth with Endust on both sides and when one side's dirty I turn it over and use the other side. For wet mopping add a litt...
Trina Marie
Paper Towels
When cleaning mirrors with paper towels save the paper towels for several more mirror cleanings. After I clean my mirrors I 'wad up' the paper towel and stick it under the trigger on the bottle. By the time you are ready to clean your mirrors again, towels have dried and are ready to be used agai...
Trina Marie
Toothpaste--a Versatile Cleaner.
Want to remove a stain without damaging the smooth surface of furniture and countertops? Use toothpaste. The extra mild abrasives in toothpaste remove stains without scratching the surface. I have used toothpaste to remove water stains on finished furniture and stains on kitchen countertops. I...
Trina Marie
suds in the sikn
Some of us wash dishes by hand, and when you pull the plug, you have to rinse the suds down. I spray fabric sofener on the sud and give it a quick spray of water, and they go away!! Saves on water..
shirley rohr
Lampshade Cleaning
Lampshade Cleaning I have fabric lampshades with very fine pleats which are hard to clean. So I remove them, take them outside and brush them with an old baby hair brush. The bristles get between the pleats to remove the dust and dirt, but they are soft enough so as not to crush or damage the pleats. My sha...
Trina Marie
Clean And Dry Floors Fast
Clean And Dry Floors Fast But I can't do that for every cleaning so I came up with a way to get a nearly comparable result. I wash my floor in sections, using a regular mop. But instead of futilely trying to sop up the dirty water, I toss down an old bath towel. I then push the towel around with my feet ov...
Trina Marie
Cheaper Kitchen Towels
Cheaper Kitchen Towels I never buy kitchen towels in the housewares department. Go to the automotive section of your department store and get the white terry cloth towels. A package of 12 in my area costs under five dollars and they don't shed or wear out quickly. They're great in the kitchen and for cl...
Trina Marie
Choosing A Winter Coat
For those of you who have the weather that warrants a winter coat, choosing one that is flattering can be a chore. Most of us don't want to look like an over-sized Grizzly bear... When choosing a coat, here are some guidelines for certain figures...
Trina Marie
Save on Costly Kitchen Towels
Save on Costly Kitchen Towels Instead of paying upwards of three dollars each for kitchen towels that don't last long, buy bar towels. These are available from restaurant supply stores and sometimes can cost approximately one dollar each. In addition to being inexepensive they are more absorbent...
Trina Marie
Magazine Recipe/Article Labels
Magazine Recipe/Article Labels
Ever tried to find that special recipe or article you read in a magazine and can't remember which book or magazine it was in? I found that address labels work wonders. Simply place the label on the outside or inside cover and note the page number of the article or recip...
Trina Marie