Actually, things are not spiffy here. I ended up going to our ER at 3am this morning. Symptoms are getting worse. They gave me fluids and pain meds did ultrasound and said yep you are loaded with them. duh Cannot get in to see surgeon until tomorrow at 4pm because he is doing surgery all day today. ugh
So they sent me home and told me clear liquid diet for next two days. Then light easy to digest foods, no dairy and try not to do any fat to speak of. So I am drinking Pedialyte - I have no clue how children can keep this down it tastes terrible! , sugar free popsicles, chicken broth that is 99% fat free and lower sodium along with washing it down with Sprite. It's a gallbladder "attack" meaning they can be controlled with diet changes. (I wish someone would have mentioned that two weeks ago when this all started.)
However, I will still talk with surgeon tomorrow ASAP about getting it taken out immediately!
Ever get to the point when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired? I have 1 day left of classes then this semester will be completed. Thank heavens!
Sorry I have not been around much, but needless to say my idea of being sociable right now is not on my list of things to do. Hugs to all you great ladies!
Well I saw my surgeon today.... he told me that we are gonna schedule it for this coming Thursday at 7:30AM. I have to be at the hospital at 6:30Am. Thank heavens.
So many people I know have had this particular surgeon. I have two bosses, a friend, my physcian's assistant, and pharmacist have all had this surgeon take out various body parts. Seems he specializes in the gastric field. Aside from the broken English (Oriental) he seems ok. I was just glad to see and hear so many people have gone through him.
One more script today... Sheesh Zoloft, Compazine, Phenegren, Vicodin, Bentyl, and Pepcid AC. It's been ages since I have been on so many meds at the same time, but I just had to wait this out and made it through my classes.
Thank you for all of your prayers, I don't know what I would do without you ladies! Big hugs.
Lyn, I'm glad something has been scheduled. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers on Thursday! I'm sure everything will go well and you will be feeling good as new again! (((hugs))) sweetie!