Nothing going on with mine. I still have not talked with Diane nor do I wish to. Bfather sent me a breif email last week treating me like I am one of the neighbors regarding my surgery which was over a month ago now. I didn't bother to respond. And to top that off, I have all but cut out contact with cousin who is the neice of bmother. We are still socialable, but great distance has grown between us this past year. Oh well.
Everything's okay on my end, but there are times that I'd like to cut the string. I was raised very differently than my siblings and maybe it annoys me... I'm not sure. My siblings don't seem to like one another and are always trying to get me to feel the same way that they do. I just can't be that way. I'd like to learn about all of them and their differences but I don't see that happening.
*sigh* Oh well.
There's a honeymoon period when everything goes great. But then the real "people" come out. That's kind of creepy sometimes because if my siblings talk about one another like they do - gosh only knows what they say about me. KWIM?
I think it is great you refuse to take one side or the other. I hate it when people try to sway me into taking sides. With me being a Libra, my idea of taking sides is going right down the middle. Which usually ends up ticking off both sides. lol
One of my friends mentioned how his significant other and her mom talks crap about everyone they run across. He looked at me one day and said the very same thing... Gee wonder what they say about me. My thought is you don't want to know. More likely then not they are just gossiping without having any real information or if they do have information they use it in such a negative way you would just like to slap them silly.
Tami, where is the cruise going to and do you have a birth family member you do not get along so well with?
so far I get along with all that I have met, i still have 3 bsisters on bdad side that i havent met yet. and dont even know if they know about me yet.
peggy (sister on bmom side) she talks alot about other family members. she got mad at bmom one day and she was crying and bi**ing at me about her, and I told her that I dont want to be in the middle of their fight. because it wasnt just her telling me about her fight it was bmom saying the same thing. and they were trying to put me in the middle to see who was right or wrong.
like duchie said I'm still in the honeymoon period. I have 12 days now untill i'm on that cruise with bdad. I just hope it goes well and he is still my bdad after the cruise. lol
Ahhh ok. That sounds neat. I have always wanted to go to the Grand Cayman Islands. That along with Jamica, St. Thomas/St.Croix Virgin Islands. Maybe one day I will get there.
Just rememeber to drink bottled water in Mexico, because even their ice cubes can upset your system. I would hate to see you get sick!