How are you all doing? I haven't posted much, I am so sorry. Things have been super crazy here. The kids FINALLY went back to school. WHOO HOO!!
Richard came home for R&R and it was great. Having a hard time sleeping again, but hopefully it will get better soon. I have lost a total of 40 lbs (pictures on my myspace).
I am currently the PTA president at the elementary school. I have no clue what I am doing, and I have no idea how to hold a meeting, so anyone have an outline of how things go, please email them to me at I would be so greatful! The kids are doing good. Chris just turned 13 and loves 8th grade. Liz is already asking to stay home from school and Zachery loves his new teacher but misses his old one very much. All in all things are ok. Richard got extended. As of right now he will be home before Superbowl so that is wonderful news. lets just cross fingers that it stays that way. His return date has changed so many times this month it is crazy! I hope everyone is doing wonderful. I am off to the gym (as I do mon-fri) .
You do look amazing Karleen. I am president of the Booster Club..the same as PTA but smaller. I found this outline maybe you could use. Meadowside School Parent Teacher Association Meeting Minutes, March 1, 2007
1. Call to Order was called to order at 7:10.
2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited to open the meeting.
3. Approval of MinutesMeg Marable forgot hard copy of last months minutes so they will be reviewed next month.
4. Treasurers ReportTracy Casey was ill and will present her report next month.
5. Principals ReportBob Davis reported 122 responses came in for the defunct Army Depot across the street, 21 parents offered to serve on a committee. About 60% thought the recreation center would be the best idea. March 15 there will be an open house at the depot 9-5, hosted by the city of Milford. A flyer will go home soon. Bob has invited Bob Gregory to a Q/A forum here at the school. Bob is also trying to involve the condo association across the street. TV free weekBob wants to do a walk-to-school day that week, followed by a safety presentation on bikes or walking. Looking for donated bike helmets. Meg suggested that Bob approach Dicks Sports. Bob also handed out a CMT testing schedule from 5 March 23 March. No results until August.
6. Teachers ReportMerrianne Vassallo noted that there was a meeting held Tuesday to discuss ideas for memorial ideas for Ms. Hawkins. Bob noted that Lorraine loved cozy areasthought of making a special space in her honor. Book donations are a possibility with bookplates honoring her memory. Help will come from Words to Grow On. Possible special session for books special to her.
7. Committee Updates PTA CouncilMarge Jones attended but didnt go the BoE; George attended but couldnt come to our meeting. Marge reminded everyone that at 7:00, March 15, Council meeting will be at Meadowside. Votes on the nominations for those to be honored by the PTA will be taken then. Board of Ed-Maryanne referenced the online newsletter called Across the Board at the BoE website.
8. Old Business Spirit wearShally Longobardi couldnt attend. Fifth Grade FarewellShauna Paton updated the group; no fundraising; there will be a $6 charge to participants that gets a tee shirt and a yearbook in addition to the festivities.
9. New Business Maryanne circulated draft committee chair guideline rules and a mission statement. She also circulated additional sign-up sheets for open committee chairs for programs running through the end of the year.
10. Correspondence- Maryanne shared thank you notes from Mrs. McNamara (condolence gift) and the Shriners.
11. PresenationChristina Ouimette presented information on foster and adoptive care.