I just got this from a wonderful friend of mine who got it straight from her Family readiness NCO. I thought you would like to read it.
I received the following information and paraphrased it for all spouses of those deployed to be aware...
A spouse reports that she knows of several wives of deployed soldiers who have received telephone calls from Baghdad from someone claiming to be a CID agent. The caller claims they need information from the wives about their husbands such as location in Iraq, how often they move, how often they call home, when their deployment began and when they're due home, and what specific unit they are in. The callers have no Arabic accent and already had the soldier's full name, rank and social. Any spouse receiving such a call should contact their spouse's unit as soon as possible to report the call and not give any information what-so- ever to the caller. The reporting spouse surmises that soldiers who use the local rental phones in Iraq can be targeted as the number they call may be saved in some way.
Please be aware and report suspicious behavior, of any sort, to the proper authorities.