Not pregnant. But I'm off the pill. We're not "trying" per-say...but we're not being overly cautious either.
I hate the pill. I get migraines when I'm on the pill, I'm moody, and I have no sex drive. Dh made the comment to me today that he likes me way more when I'm not on the pill. He says I'm a happier person. Which, I guess is good. :)
After baby #2, I've decided he is getting snipped. Ok, well, WE'VE decided...but I initiated the idea. ;)
Can't wait for your post that your are then!!!!! I never did well on the pill either..hated it. Matter of fact, I've never done well on any birth control. YUCK
What a way to start a new year Chels. I too can't wait for that post that tells us differently!!! For a minute there I thought Trina started the thread - LOL.
I could only wish!!! Seriously, I would love to have another..but just don't think my eggs are "young" enough or something..haven't been on bc since Court was a year old.
I hear ya on the bc pills... I get really crabby very quickly, (more like my head spins around like the girl on the Exorcist when I am on bc.) Also, it aggravates acne for me and I put on weight. Not to mention my migraines come more frequently. Since I quit Tri-Levelen I have not had a single migraine. The funny part is I had just gotten sent my approval letter for my free medication for them! (figures)